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Promote your Business

If you added another front door to your home, twice as many people wouldn't automatically start showing up. You would need to tell people it is there, when to use it and what the benefits of that other door are. Marketing collateral provides another portal to your business, another access door. Your website, Facebook page, magazine ads etc. don't DO anything by themselves. A Promotion Plan is required encompassing how various collateral is going to be delivered to your audiences, how often, which media streams, who is responsible for publishing and how success will be measured. 

Workshop - How To Build a Promotion Plan

  • A step-by-step guided tour through demonstrating HOW TO build your promotion plan.

  • You build the plan. 

Choose this option if:​

  • You have the time and knowledge, you need to know how to build the plan

  • Your budget is more limited and you can invest the time.


  • Excel worksheets, slides

Consulting - Build a Promotion Plan with Assistance

  • Interactive assistance with building your promotion plan

  • Online sessions, consecutive weekly or biweekly sessions with actions to complete between sessionss

  • You build the plan with guidance

Choose this option if:​

  • You need ongoing guidance for each step and additional input 


  • Excel worksheets, slides, templates

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